Article 31. Stocks, company bonds, and other securities issued in accordance with the law shall be subject to restrictions stipulated by the law on the allotted times for transfer. They shall not be traded within the restricted allotted time periods. 第三十一条依法发行的股票、公司债券及其他证券,法律对其转让期限有限制性规定的,在限定的期限内,不得买卖。
First, we have appointed five Primary Dealers which have good access to the institutional investor base. The Primary Dealers will perform the role of underwriter and market maker for securities issued under the Programme. 首先,我们委任了五个与机构投资者联系密切的主要交易商,他们将担任包销商和市场庄家。
Amortization of debenture expenses securities issued by affiliated companies 公司债发行费用摊销
The capital raising will also help the banking group refinance similar securities issued by the banks that merged to create Mizuho. 当初合并组建瑞穗的银行曾发行过类似证券,此次筹资也将有助于瑞穗为这些证券提供再融资。
The banks investments are nearly all in securities issued or guaranteed by the British Government and quoted on the Stock Exchange. 银行投资几乎都是由英国政府发行或担保的有价证券,并由股票交易所报价。
Securities issued by affiliated companies 联营公司发行的证券
Sir James Crosby suggested the most effective form of intervention would involve the government auctioning its own guarantees in a form that could be attached by lenders to AAA tranches of mortgage-backed securities, issued to fund their new lending. 詹姆斯克罗斯比爵士提出,最有效的干预形式是由政府以某种方式拍卖政府担保,使得放贷机构能够为给新贷款融资而发行的aaa级批次抵押担保证券附上这些担保。
This comprises bank deposits and investments in debt securities issued by public sector entities in Hong Kong held by the exchange fund. 这包括外汇基金的银行存款,以及持有由香港公营机构发行的债务证券。
The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued. 以发行权益性证券取得的长期股权投资,应当按照发行权益性证券的公允价值作为初始投资成本。
Listed Chinese companies are lining up in their hundreds to sell corporate bonds and pay off bank loans after the securities regulator issued formal rules governing the nascent sector. 在证券监管机构颁布《公司债券发行试点办法》之后,数百家中国上市公司将排起长队,发售公司债券,以清偿银行贷款。
As much as I would prefer otherwise in this financial environment I see no choice but to require that all securitiezers retain a meaningful part of the securities they issued. 虽然我希望有别的选择,但是依照当前的金融形势我只能要求所有证券化业者持有大部分他们发行的证券。
In such a world, households generating excess savings by consuming less than they earn would have the basic choice: they could hold the cash as an asset or invest in the securities issued by corporations. 在那样的世界里,普通家庭通过少消费的方式增加存款,对于这些存款通常有如下几种选择:用这笔钱来购买房产或投资股票。
Most of the damage was caused by mortgage-related securities issued in the last two years of the housing bubble. 绝大多数危害都是由于过去两年房地产泡沫终于按揭有关的证券所造成的。
So far in 2006,$ 437bn of such securities have been issued in the US. 今年迄今为止,美国已发行了4370亿美元的此类证券。
However, the unfolding of the crisis has shown how completely banks were interwoven with all elements of the financial system, not only as lenders but as important investors in the securities issued by others and as the providers of much of the infrastructure of financial activity. 不过,危机的展现已显示出,银行与金融体系各个元素之间有着多么千丝万缕的联系,它不仅是贷款者,也是其它机构发行的证券的重要投资者,而且还是大部分金融活动基础设施的提供者。
Buying up gilts in a market where no new securities are being issued could distort interest rates in unpredictable ways, economists warned. 经济学家警告称,在没有新债发行的市场购买国债可能会以不可预知的方式扭曲利率。
War bond debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war. 战争债券政府发行的债务证券,目的在于在战争时期筹集军费。
A financial institution that sells shares to individuals and invests in securities issued by other companies. 出售股票给个人并投资公司发行的有价证券的金融机构。
The Bank may underwrite, or participate in the underwriting of, securities issued by any entity or enterprise for purposes consistent with the purpose of the Bank. (四)银行可以承销或参与承销任何实体或企业发行的、目的与银行宗旨一致的证券。
China's securities law should use the practice of America for reference and execute responsible system for the projection of profitable information which honest and credible floaters of securities have issued. 我国证券法应借鉴美国的做法,对诚实、信用的证券发行人发布的盈利信息预测实行负责制度。
At last, making use of the cash-flow and the risk-adjusted discount rate, the price of the securities issued is ascertained. 最后,根据现金流和风险收益贴现率,研究发行证券的定价。
The supervision of the country that the securities issued is mainly embodied by the supervision system and the rule of information disclosure. 任何国家要跨国发行证券,都要接受发行地国的法律监管,发行地国监管主要体现在证券的发行审核制度和证券发行的信息披露制度两个方面。
In 1997, the State Council Securities Commission issued the "Interim Office of the Convertible Bonds," and began to carry out non-listed companies in the broader area of the pilot issue of convertible bonds. 1997年,国务院证券委员会颁布了《可转换债券管理暂行办法》,并开始在非上市公司中进行面积更为广泛的可转债发行试点。
If securities issued by the same company are traded in various markets, the price discovery efficiency of these markets may be different. 同一个公司的股票,如果在不同的市场上交易,其价格发现效率可能存在差异。
Local government bonds is called that the securities issued by the local government based on its credit to expand its investment capacity to provide all kinds of public goods. 地方公债,即地方政府凭借自身的信用发行的债券。
Foreign companies in China in the listing and trading of securities issued and the effectiveness of not only various levels to different legal rules to regulate it, but also of its securities regulatory authorities need to strictly control the entire process. 境外公司在我国境内发行证券并上市交易不仅需要各种效力等级不同的法律规则来对其进行规制,同时也需要证券监管部门对其进行严格的全程监管。
In securities issued private placement, the civil liability regime for investors through the damage to be full relief, so that it can effectively protect the legitimate rights, interests of investors and maintaining the confidence of investors in the securities market. 在证券私募发行中,民事责任制度通过对投资者遭受的损害予以充分救济,从而能够有效保障投资者的合法权益,维护投资者对证券市场的信心。
The funds 'development entered a new stage since the first regulation of securities funds issued in 1997. 1997年,我国首个规范证券投资基金运作的行政法规&《证券投资基金管理暂行办法》颁布,基金发展进入了一个新的阶段。